I'm back!!! Been awhile.... will be a short post, leaving for Gebeng 2moro morning for a meeting then back again in the evening.
I've been tagged.... now I have to reveal 6 weird things about me.... darn... where to start?!!!
1. I love my McD Fries with McD Choc Sundae... yummy! :p
2. I go through phases of being an obsessive-compulsive. Geometrics and doing things "evenly". ie. whatever I do with my left hand/legs, I MUST do the same with the right (with the exception of writing). I've since overcame that... otherwise there's NO WAY I can teach BodyJam. I prefer to deal with geometric shapes that are "even", squares and circles are fine.... trapeziums and right angle triangle... I'll twitch (cannot fold into equal half).
3. Another of my obsessive-compulsive behaviour... I hate keeping price tags on my books and CDs. Totally despise retailers who uses price stickers with strong adhesives...
4. Like FBB, I MUST wash my feet before I sleep.
5. I talk/argue with myself in the car, especially during solo long distance drive. Try it...very therapheutic :p For instructors... very common... we practise our cueing in when we drive. It's even more frantic when it's closer to launch dates :p
6. I can will myself to get goose-pimple... :p
ok.. that's all for now!